Saturday, 26 April 2014

The Spectrum Show #28

The Spectrum Show episode 28 is now complete and live on Youtube. This show marks two years of the show's life, and I can't believe that time has passed so quickly. To celebrate I have uploaded a 29 minute anniversary special too, so you have nearly a full hour of Spectrum goodness to watch.
Also as part of the celebration is the new edition of The Spectrum Show Magazine. Yes, I have been busy ;-)

In Episode 28 I take a look at the news from May 1985.
I compare arcade clones for one of the all time great blasters - Defender.
I review some older games.
I take a look at a newer game and end the show with Type-In Corner.

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Twitter and Other Stuff

Well, I finally gave in and set myself up on Twitter. You can follow all things me on my twitter page, but be aware it is not just about Speccy stuff, although obviously as much of my time is taken up with the show, it will feature quite prominently.

I have been working like a mad man over the last few weeks to get loads of things ready for the next show. It will be a very special event - the show will be two years old!!

To celebrate there will be not only the normal edition of the show, but also a special anniversary edition and a new issue of the Spectrum Show Magazine.

Lots to look forward to, and a lot of work to finish in the next two weeks!

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