The new series of The Spectrum Show has, not unexpectedly, split opinion on the new introduction, music and segment intros. So, what's the story?
For the new series I wanted to change the style to mark it as a new set of episodes. I wanted to include some Spectrum sounds into the music to set it apart and highlight (if that was needed) that this was all about the Spectrum.
When I produced the music I liked it, and built the intro around it. All was well until I rendered the episode and watched it back in full. Somehow it just didn't seem right not having the original music.
Being already late, I made the decision to release it and see what happened. To be honest I wasn't happy, but then again people have different tastes.
Some people liked the new style, others preferred the old one and some suggested a mix of old and new. The new logo also split opinions! If I had liked the new format, I would have let it ride, but that little voice kept telling me it wasn't as good as it should be.
So, what am I going to do?
The original (series 2 and 3) music will return over the top of a remixed video segment for the show introduction. The logo will remain but play a lesser part (not appearing between sections).
The new music (with Spectrum sounds) will be used for other areas of the show.
But what about those section titles? Tricky... Still working on those at the moment... so can't really say how they will end up!