Thursday, 21 June 2012

The Spectrum Show #5

In this episode we go back to July 1983 and take a look at all the Sinclair news and Spectrum game releases. We have the first part of our game creation feature and there is the usual old and new game reviews.


If anyone wants to help with the making of this show, please get in touch. I am not asking anyone to do reviews, speak or do anything they don’t want to – but I am looking for interesting features that can be based on anything Spectrum related. (Ideally accompanied by pics or video). Of particular interest is hardware (for ideas see episode 2 with the wafadrive feature).

Enjoy the show…

Best viewed direct on YouTube! (Direct Link)

Saturday, 2 June 2012

The Spectrum Show #4

Episode 4 of The Spectrum Show is now available.

In this episode we look back to June 1983 and get the Spectrum news and new game releases.

We also track the evolution of the joystick interface plus the usual reviews of old and new games.

Best viewed direct on YouTube.

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