Saturday, 5 October 2013

Small Update

Lots of things happening in the background – as usual!

I have had another large batch of games delivered, and have spent some time going through them. The batch, which was very kindly donated to the show by Jason (thanks), included a lot of Code Masters titles and a fair few other newer titles. These have now been sorted and added to the ever-bulging Spectrum shelf.

With the last two game batches I have obviously found myself with a few duplicates, and not having the time to stick them on eBay, I have been trying in vain to give them away. Seems no one is interested at the moment…

I have also been working on some other hardware related stuff that involves building cables and connecting things together. This work will appear in a future edition of the show, once I finish it all and successfully end up with no explosions!

On episodes, the next one is on the go, and it’s looking like a huge show. It will feature an arcade shoot-out, so much of my time is currently involved in playing awful games!

I will be taking a break on Sunday 13th October though, to attend the Replay Expo in Manchester, and hopefully grab some footage for another special.

Right... back to those terrible games…


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