Saturday, 15 March 2014

Bedrooms to Billions

FROM BEDROOMS TO BILLIONS tells the remarkable, true story of how the creativity and vision of a small number of individuals from around the United Kingdom, pioneered in shaping the billion dollar video games industry which today, dominates the modern entertainment landscape.

The current ‘Backer’ or ‘Pre-Order’ version of ‘From Bedrooms to Billions,’ with iconic Oliver Frey designed cover will no longer be available to buy in its current format after 31st May 2014!

This ‘pre-order’ or ‘backer version’ version will be unique and highly collectable because it is only for those who supported the project, funding the film’s production by pre-ordering via crowdfunding campaigns on Indiegogo, Kickstarter and later from the film’s website (

The window to become a backer and receive this unique version of the film and to be included in the one and only issue of copies closes 31st May 2014.

Go and order now!


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