
From time to time I post articles here, that coincide with features in the video show, or longer pieces that get lost in amongst the mass of short blog postings.

With that in mind, here is a list of all the articles in one convenient place.
They are in alphabetical order.

3.5inch Drive on my Spectrum +3
Adding a 3.5inch drive to my Spectrum.

Adventure Games.
Tracing the roots of this popular format.

Android Shoot Out.
An older article comparing Spectrum emulators on Android tablets.

Asteroids Shoot Out.
Comparing Spectrum versions of the famous arcade game.

Currah Microspeech.
Review of the speech unit for the Spectrum.

Donkey Kong Shoot Out.
Comparing Spectrum versions of the famous arcade game.

Galaxian Shoot Out.
Comparing Spectrum versions of the famous arcade game.

JetPac on my +3 (divIDE)
Finally getting my favourite game working on my +3.

Joystick Evolution.
Tracing the history of joysticks.

Light Guns.
Reviewing and comparing light guns for the Spectrum.

Lost Games.
Delving through an old hard drive I find lots of unfinished games.

Memory Lane.
An article about my appearance in a 1985 issue of Popular Computing Weekly.

Moon Patrol Shoot Out.
Comparing Spectrum versions of the famous arcade game.

Spectrum Plus 3 Review
Taking a look at the Spectrum +3

Space Invader Shoot Out.
Comparing Spectrum versions of the famous arcade game.

Tape to Disc.
Article about moving contents of tapes to discs using both old and new methods.

Vega Games and Keymap Files
My games along with keymap files for the Sinclair Vega. Some changed for ULA plus.

Wafadrive Review.
Review of the tape storage system for the Spectrum.

Will my old ZX81 still work after all these years?


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