Saturday, 27 April 2013

Blog Update

As you can probably tell, the blog has had a little face lift, with some new-fangled whizzy stuff and a bit of a tweak in layout. As an when I get time in between The Spectrum Show, I hope to do more updating, adding elements from the show into the blog, making it more content rich.

For now though, there is just the new look, an episode guide and an extended plus 3 feature taken from the show (New Arrival).

During the next few days things may not work as you expect them! I am still poking about with the template, so anything could happen. If it all goes pear-shaped, I may have to revert back to the old format....

The next episode of the show is almost finished with a just a few minor sound adjustments before its ready to release.

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Antiquity Jones Update

My Spectrum game Antiquity Jones has been updated with a small fix that stops the player getting stuck in the yellow caves.

This fix has taken a long time in coming (sorry to all those who asked for it last year!), but this was mainly because of the version of AGD used to make it.

Newer versions of AGD added joystick support, but the version used for this game (2.4) did not, so to make games with joysticks, you had to search for the locations in memory set by the program and then poke in new values via the loader if the player selected to use a joystick.

Anyway - job done.

Well not completely... had to do another fix so now we have version 1.2...!

Antquity Jones v1.2
Antiquity Jones v1.1

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

The Spectrum Show #15

The Spectrum Show – Episode 15.

In this episode we go back to May 1984 and get all the latest Sinclair news and top selling Spectrum games.

We have a mammoth arcade clone shoot and go ape over the best Donkey Kong clone. See how good I am at C-Tech’s version… no really…

We check out some older games and look at some newer titles.

Best viewed on Youtube because we're in HD!

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