Wednesday, 15 May 2013

New Delivery

With new episodes of The Spectrum Show to think about and a distinct lack of help offers, I always keep my eyes open for bargains wherever I am. Luckily it paid off recently, and I managed to get hold of three interfaces in one go.

Without giving too much away, the three devices are all perfect for features, but not all of them have been tested yet. One definitely works, as I have connected it up and spent an hour or so messing about.

One requires additional material (had to be careful what I called it!) before it can be tested and the third has yet to be plugged in, but I was assured they were all working when I bought them.

If they are all fully functional, this brings my hardware total for new features to four – which is great news for the show.

I am still looking for hardware/peripherals/interfaces to be featured on the show - for more details click the Help Needed link (top right).


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