Thursday, 10 July 2014

Out Of Space!

I have been trying to re-arrange the content of this blog and upload some stuff, mainly house keeping things, but one important file. The next issue of The Spectrum Show magazine is complete and ready to release, however, I have just discovered I am out of space on my FTP site.

My host (Virgin Meida) give a nice 200mb, but my account is still the old NTL one, which only has 50mb!

I now have no room to upload the new issue, so I am having to create a new virgin account, set up the hosting for it and then transfer all the content across! BUT... because the account is new - I can't complete the task of setting up the space yet!! GGGRRRRRR!!!!!

This will not affect any files currently here, as the hosting is totally separate and I still retain the old NTL one. Once my new space is ready,I will move everything across and then change all the links. Then I can upload the new issue.

Update: (9:50pm)
The new FTP is now active. I will begin moving stuff across tomorrow so the new issue will be released then.


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